Virtual Tutoring
All Elementary Grades
Tutoring that meets you where you are
At Chandler Educational Services, each tutor has a background in Education with a teaching certification. Our five-star tutors provide quality tutoring to enhance your student’s private, home, or public school education, whether it’s remediation or acceleration.
Convenient, online, and on your time…⏰
With online sessions and flexible scheduling…📆 , remote tutors go wherever you go—and whenever you need help.
Personalized learning experience…👩🏽🏫🧒
Every child has a different learning style. Our tutors tailor sessions to your child’s learning needs and help them stay engaged.
Whatever the Learning Goals — We Can Help Your Student Achieve Them! Click below…..
The Tutoring Process:
Parents contact company with areas of concern
Our company responds within 24-48 hours
The parent books free virtual assessment
Our company sends an email to parents discussing results
The parent books and pays for sessions in advance
The parent sends any student information, such as standardized testing scores, last report card, individualized educational plan (IEP) to address any special needs or accommodations,
Our company creates personalized lesson plans for student by researching and reviewing state and district standards.